While the SpamTitan product has been great to us for the past four and a half years, it has become less effective at filtering out spam and the per email address pricing has always been a concern. Over the past several months, we have been hard at work preparing a better solution for you.
We are very proud to announce that we are now a SpamExperts partner. Not only has our testing shown them to be superior at spam filtering, we’re confident you’ll be pleased with the pricing as well. You no longer have to worry about how many email addresses are on your domain. In place of SpamTitan’s $1.00 per user we’re offering SpamExperts at $2.00 per domain. This has resulted in a significant cost reduction for many of our clients while also offering a better service.
We completed the migration of all SpamTitan users over to SpamExperts early last week and have since opened up the service offering for all clients. A free 30 day trial is available if you would like to give it a try, just submit a ticket to request it. Additional information can be found here.
We have quite a few other ongoing projects currently so stay tuned for more updates!